Conceptual Information

    This section describes the structure and principles of writing scripts in ConceptDraw Basic. It contains the following paragraphs:


Execution levels.

    ConceptDraw supports four execution levels of the ConceptDraw Basic scripting language: Application level, Document level, Page level, Shape level. This means that for any ConceptDraw document or it's page or any shape in the document you can assign a program written in ConceptDraw Basic. Also one can create a program on the entire application level. Any execution level contains at least a built-in module with program code in ConceptDraw Basic.

    Execution levels of ConceptDraw Basic are organized in a hierarchy (see the figure below), which reflects how global variables and procedures are inherited from higher levels to the lower ones.

This means, that a script, created for any shape (on the shape level) also shows all global variables and procedures that belong to higher levels: Page, Document and Application. In its turn, a page-level script shows all global variables and procedures of the Document and Application levels. And finally, a document-level script shows global variables and procedures of the Application level. Thus, the hierarchy of execution levels determines the functional purpose of ConceptDraw Basic scripts at different levels.
    Application levels script is intended for re-assigning the behavior of the entire application, and also for defining global variables and procedures, which may be often used in various documents. For instance, with the help of interface configuration and an application-level script in ConceptDraw Basic it's possible to turn ConceptDraw into a specialized application for computer network designers. One should just write the commonly used routines (for instance, calculation of the cost of the components) as application-level scripts and run them using the user-defined menu. Then the user will be able to automatically calculate the cost of the components for any network diagram.
    Document level script is intended for document-specific calculations and also for defining global variables and procedures, used in the code of different pages or shapes of the document. For instance, a document-level script can be used to define specific procedures for creating templates. This may look like a wizard, that asks questions specific to a certain document type. Based on the user input, the script can determine the number and size of pages, create these pages and place necessary shapes on them.
    Page level script is intended for calculations and actions, specific to a certain page of the document, as well as for defining global variables and procedures, used in the code of the shapes on that page. Scripts at this level may be used together with document-level scripts when creating templates. Creating graphic objects (shapes) is slightly easier at the page level, than at the document level.
    Shape level script is intended for calculations, specific to certain graphic object (shape). For instance, it allows to program an element of a bar chart in such a way, that it can reflect values from a data base or an external file. Library shapes can also have scripts.


Storing Scripts

    The code of the scripts of document, page and shape levels is stored together with the object, to which the script is assigned. For instance, scripts for the document and its pages and shapes are stored within the document. For shapes in a library the code is stored with the library.
    An application-level script is stored in a file with reserved name "AppCDBasicScript.cdb", located in the application data folder. For example, full path to an external module of the application-level script on the Windows platform may look like this: "C:\Documents and Settings\Dime1.DIME\Application Data\CSOdessa\ConceptDraw\AppCDBasicScript.cdb". An application-level script is only saved if compilation was successful.
    ConceptDraw Basic allows to use external modules with ConceptDraw Basic code by means of the inline command #Include. This lets create various external libraries of routines.
    Source code of ConceptDraw Basic scripts is stored as text in the UTF-8 encoding, allowing to use string constants and comments in any language.


Editing Scripts

    For editing and debugging scripts ConceptDraw has a built-in ConceptDraw Basic script editor. This editor allows to edit scripts of all execution levels, as well as external modules, connected by the #Include command. Besides, ConceptDraw Basic script editor lets compile and run scripting programs at available execution level. The "CDBasic Output" window serves for debugging and showing warnings and errors.
    To edit external modules you can use any other text editor. However, if the code contains comments or string constant, that include national characters (non-ANSI symbols), the editor should be able to save text in the UTF-8 encoding.


The Structure of a Script

    A script at any execution level contains the global execution area, and a set of user procedures, defining local execution areas.
    In the global area global variables are defined, user procedures are declared and defined, external procedures declared. Also in the global area is located the code, executed immediately at launch. Variables and named constants, defined in the global area, can be visible in all user procedures, defined lower in the code from where they were declared.
    Local execution areas contain user procedures. Definitions of user procedures start with the statements Sub or Function, and end with End Sub or End Function respectively. Variables, defined in a local area, are visible within this area only. This allows to use local variables and named constants with same names in different procedures.
    Any variables is visible down the code from where it was declared until the end of its visible area.
    Below is an example of a ConceptDraw Basic script:

Dim gData(256) As Double    ' Declare global variable gData as Double array
Dim gCount As Long ' Declare global variable gCount as Long ' Definition of InitGlobalData() procedure
Sub InitGlobalData() ' procedure begin
' Make global data initialization
For i = 0 To 256
End Sub ' procedure end ' Definition of TraceGlobalData() procedure
Sub TraceGlobalData () ' procedure begin
For i = 0 To 256
Trace gData(i)
End Sub ' procedure end ' Definition of RecalcGlobalData() procedure
Sub RecalcGlobalData () ' procedure begin
For i = 0 To 256
' Do some calculation here
End Sub ' procedure end gCount = 0 ' set gCount to 0 InitGlobalData() ' Call procedure for global data initialization Stop


Compilation and Execution of Scripts

    Scripts are executed by the built-in virtual machine of ConceptDraw Basic. The source code in ConceptDraw Basic is first compiled into so called p-code of the virtual machine, which is then executed. So, the life cycle of a program in ConceptDraw Basic can be divided into two stages - compilation and execution.

    During compilation the compiler finds all syntactic errors and informs about them in the "CDBasic Output" window. Normally (where possible) it displays the error number, short error description and shows the source module and the line number, in which the error was found.
    When compilation of a script starts, the scripts of higher execution level are compiled automatically if they weren't compiled earlier. When writing scripts you should remember that namespaces of variables and procedures at different levels should not overlap. If variables or procedures were earlier defined at a higher execution level, this will lead to a compilation error of "Duplicate definition" type. Also, a compilation error will be caused by declaring variables or constants with names, coinciding with the names of the built-in constants or run-time procedures. The same would happen with reserved words of the ConceptDraw Basic language. Detailed description of compilation errors can be found in the "Trappable errors" section.

    Successfully compiled code of a ConceptDraw Basic script can be executed. It can be launched either by the user from the menu or a toolbar button, or automatically when loading the script-containing object.
     Once a script is launched, scripts of the upper execution levels are launched automatically if they haven't been launched by the moment (not resident).
     ConceptDraw Basic starts running the script from executing the statements of the global area. Procedures are skipped at this stage, because procedures start executed only when they are called. Once the statements of the global area have been executed, or on executing the Stop statement, the program goes to the stand-by mode, remaining resident. In this case any procedure can be called from scripts of lower execution level, or from the procedures that process reserved events. For instance, a document-level script can add items to the custom menu of the document and process them by using its own procedures. Below is an example of such program:

' Definition of procedure
Sub MenuItem1_CmdProc(cmdArgs As String)

       Trace "MenuItem1 : " & cmdArgs

        ' ...
        ' ...

End Sub

Dim mi As MenuItem

' Enable Document custom menu
thisDoc.CustomMenu.Caption = "My Doc menu"

' Add menu item
set mi = thisDoc.CustomMenu.AddMenuItem(0)
' Set menu item caption
mi.Caption = "Item 1"
mi.OnCmdArgs = "Args string from menu item"
' Set processing procedure

' Suspends execution

On executing the End statement the program stops. All global variables are cleared, and all procedures defined at this level become inaccessible for subsequent calls.

    In automatic mode a script is launched as soon as the object containing it is loaded. That is, an application-level script is run as soon as the application is launched. After you open a document or a template, a document-level script is launched. Then, if the document-level script remains resident, the scripts at all page levels are executed subsequently, starting from the first page. Once a page-level program has been executed, and provided it remains resident (i.e. it wasn't stopped by the End statement), scripts of the shapes on the page are launched. A shape-level script is also started automatically, once the script-containing object has been inserted into the document from a library or duplicated.
    A flag in the application preferences dialog controls whether scripts may be launched automatically or not.